About Us

How we work with our clients

What You Won't Get From Us:

You won't hear us say what you need to do.

For the simple reason that it is our belief that only you can say what you need.

At any given time there are many good options from which you can choose, we will help you quickly sort through the options so that you can choose your best next step.

What You Will Get From Us:

All of our services are designed to help you start where you are and quickly find Your Best Next Step.

We do that in 4 areas: 


You Can't Do Business Without Technology

We are serious about removing roadblocks to your goals which means bringing our technology expertise alongside our business expertise.

It is just as easy to be trapped by your technology (e.g. Web site, CRM, SEO) as it is to be constrained by the lack of technology. Technology that doesn’t fit your needs is like having an employee who is not the right fit—it is frustrating and it is expensive.

We know and like technology but only if it helps advance your goals.

Whether you are just getting started or experienced we can help you. 

Already using specialized consultants? great! we play well with others.

Meet Our Principal


Scott Jacobson likes nothing better than helping business owners get more out of their business. Getting more money is important, sure, but just as important is greater enjoyment. He started his career working in a Fortune 100 company, and with every successive move he chose to work in a smaller company until he found his place working with small, privately held companies.

Scott has worked with startups, turnarounds, and mature companies. He has helped clients identify holes in strategy; develop new products; and negotiate intellectual property sales and joint ventures. He likes to dig in to find opportunities and eliminate roadblocks. He speaks to a variety of audences and has been quoted on Microsoft Network's business web site. Contact him for a conversation about your business.